Who are we?
General Objectives
Organizational Structure

General Objectives

UNORCAC seeks to achieve the most conscientious and broadest possible participation of rural people and Indians in the construction of a more just and equitable society for both men and women.

Guided by this general principal, we pursue the following objectives:

  1. Foster the unity and solidarity of the Communities and the community members in order to advance their social and economic development.
  2. Fight for the defense and revitalization of the values of indigenous and mestizo cultures.
  3. Train and educate community members in the following areas: productive agricultural and livestock management, artisanry, and human and social development.
  4. Encourage recreational, sporting and other activities that have the effect of providing the best possible preparation and orientation of community members.
  5. Demand that the sectional and local authorities create educational, technical, and artisans' centers for the communities.


Project and Work Areas

UNORCAC implements, programs, projects, and activities with the participation of communities. We work in the areas of health, environment, education, communication, and the construction of community infrastructure (water, roads, and electricity). We also provide training programs in socio-organizational skills, agricultural and livestock management, cultural revitalization, sports and recreation.

Main Projects Currently in Execution

¨ Peasant Forest Development: Natural resource management in the Ambi River Basin. Support from EMELNORTE, and FAO/DFC.
¨ Suman Ñan: Educational radio communication and development. Support from INTERMON (Spain) and SWISAID (Switzerland).
¨ Cambugan: Providing water for domestic consumption for six communities (490 families). Support from SWISAID (Switzerland).
¨ Jambi Mascaric: Preventive communal health. Support from Doctors without Borders (Spain).
¨ Agrarian Development: Productive, Socio-organizational, and cultural programs in Cotacachi. Support from the Inter-American Foundation (USA).
¨ Productive Livestock Programs: Raising small animals.
¨ Community Enterprise Projects: Special areas for the cultivation of various forest species.

Other Supporting Institutions

¨ Municipality of Cotacachi
¨ JBIS-Denmark Terranova
¨ Instituto de Estudios Ecuatorianos
¨ Centro Andino de Acción Popular (CAAP)
¨ Ayuda en Acción